martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009


Coking for smart bears


I's the same a "corretto catalano" and un "catalano corretto"?. Credo da no!. The corretto is espresso with grappa.

The catalan corretto is similar, bue very erotic, and very good for the bears. In my language, the name of the drink is cigaló - carajillo in spanish.
In both languages it means dicky!.

The catalans drink dickys (no white, but black!) all the day. Is not strange, because the first erotic manual of sex and recipes was writen in catalan, XIV century ( so called the catalan "Kama Sutra").

I have have published, in by books, some astonishing and very goood recipes from this old manuscript (for example the "medicine to harden your prick"- litterally tranlation). The book:Speculum al foder, the title in old catalan; "Manual of fucking", today.

So, the cigaló or carajillo...the attentive reader will, by now, not be at all surprised to learn that both terms refer to what bears have and girls haven't...

There is a old ubiquitous custom in the Catalan Countries (Catalonia, French Catalonia- Roussillon-, Andorra, Valencia, Balearic Islands- with Ibiza -in catalan Eivissa- , a promise land for the bears and others), paticularly in the bars, of reinforcing coffee with spirits, the most traditional being rhum, while brandy, whisky and anisette are also extremely typical, and cream liqueurs are rapidly gaining popularity.

These stimulating concoctions are often drunk after meal, and also in mid-morning, particularly in winter. An, for a very strong bears, in the breakfast!

You need
1 cup of espresso coffe or black coffee (better espresso)
brandy, whiskiy etc. (teh amog , it depends of the taste 1/2, etc)
If you prefer, add sugar or artificial sweetener. I prefer witout sugar.

It's normally served in small special glass...

You can add milk to and make a trifàsic ("three-phase"). The desgaciat (unfotunate) is wits coffees witout caffeine, sweetener, with milk (You can omit the liquor, for more "unfortunate bear").

Corretto (Italy)
Caffé burlé (Frnce)
Café-bénedictine (Frnace)
Irish Coffe (Ireland- USA)
Cremat (Catalonia, Minorca)
Queimada (Galicia)
Liquors and cocktaikls: Coffes cocktail (brandy, curaçao, egg yolk), Cafe´Kirsh coctail; Coffee House (rhum base sweet liquor) Tiam Maria (coffe liquor), etc.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009


The world's best coooking

The pot (pot-au-feu in french; in catalan, escudella i carn d' olla) is one of the great dishes of peasant french cuisine , or pesant and bourgeois (urban) cooking in Catalona (luxury versions)

It consists of a variety of meat and vegetables (in Catalonia, the richest of them, not only the tipically carrots, turnips, oniosn, leeks and celery, but also potatoes, cabbage and beans or chick-peas, and a great meat ball), simmered long and slow in a large pot, with addition of rice or pasta. The broth- very taste- is drunk first, and the the meat and vegetables folow a separte course. A salad is a good accompaniment.

I dedicate this dish to my friend William Calvert, from Australia, an atheist (or agnostic) like me. Despite the names of the dish, its very not religious: for the catholics, is not convenient, because is so erotic; for the prostestants, also, is to much pleasant. for bddhist, sikhs, hinduist, etc., is no vegetarias, and for islamics and jewish, contain pork...Despite the jewish are a similar dihs, the tcholent, haní in catalan, adafina in spanish.

The escudella name was the bowl in wuih soups and sauce dishes were served in the Middle Age (the first eruropean book of cooking, is catalan, LLibre de Sent Soví, s. XIV; it contains this recipe, whitous be eaten with bread).
Later on the container, as often happens, gave its name to the contents.
This has been one of the emblematic national dishes of Catalan co0king for centuries.
Its formulation is, however, realtively recnet, since at least two its ingreidients come from America: the potatoes and the white beans which in may aeas are prefered to chick-peas.

They are versions for every day (with lots of vegetables, an dbones rather than meat) and for feast day, culminating in the Olla de Nadal or "Christmas hotpot" , also called the olla dels quatre evangelistes ("four apsoles hotpot") since it must include pork,lamb , veal and chicken.

You need
3-4 litres of water
meats: salt and fresh porc (not smoked) ribs, bacon, tail, snout, trotters, ear, belly, etc.; beef: bones, marrowbone, knucke, breast, flank, shank, tail, etc,; lamb: leg, breast, neck (small amounts)
chicken or hen:breast, wings, legs, gizzard, carcase, ovaries...
sausages: black catalan sausage (thin and tender, or thik an cured, similar to black pudding,, but with a lot of meat. You can omit.
vegetables: a handful of whuite beans (aobut 300 g), chickpeas (optional)
1 k of red potatoes (or less)
half a head of green or loose-leaf cabbage (Milan style) celery, carrot, leek, onion, turnip, parnisp, etc.
meat ball: 200 g of minced lean meat (mixted pork and beef), breadcrumbs, 1 egg. garlic, paraley, pepper, cinnamon, flour
Various: 5o g (appprox) of rendered pook fat made into a ball with flour
rice (bomba, arborio..) and noodles or past for soup
saffron (optional, for the broth)

Put the beans to suck the day before.
Clean the pieces o meat and bones and chop them into medium-sized pieces.
Place a large stew-pot (olla, in catalan; faitout, in french) on the stove with plenty of salted water, with the bones and meat, the beans and the ball of floured lar.
Leave to boil for at lest an hour, with the pt covered and on a medium heat, and have boil, skimm off the fat.

Leave to boil for at least an hour, with the pot covered and on a medium heat.

Menwnhile, make teh peat ball (pilota)
Place ona plate the minced meat,(and some minced bacon), the breadcrumbs, an dthe chopped garlic and parsley, salt and spices. Mix the ingredients with a fork, adding the elg (like a hamburger!), and form the paste into a oval shape. Roll in flur until it turns quite solid. Then add it into the pot together with a black sausage, the potatoes (peeled and scored) and the other vegetables (but the hard onis, lik turis, etc. must be put before).
After half an hour of cooking, strain the broth, and place into a boil again, with the rice and noddles or other pasta foru about 15/20 minutes.It doesnt`matter if the rice and pasta turn a little "gummy", althougt some people, prefer it al dente.

Serve the broth as the fisrt course; the second course consist of the platter with the meats, black pudding and meat ball cut into thickish slices, and another with ten beans, potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables.
With a nice presentation. The bears are a bit esthetic friends!

Note: at the moment of adding the rice and noodles to the broth, yo can also add strips of cabbage. Delicious! It seems a chinese soup!

The rice and noodles can be repalced for the shell-sahped catalan galets, or cracked wueat, corn or barley (in teh Pyrinees).
This recipe can also make one single dish, serving the meats and vegetables, minced, in the: is the "mixed hotppot" (escudella barrejada).

The leftover meats or vegetable (the catalan like the topic says, are like scottish or jewish, "tightfisted") can be used to make round catlan omelettes (maswiths mashet vegetables), croquettes, etc.

Pot-o-feu (France)
Bolhit (Provence), Garbure (Gascony)
Bollito misto (Italy)
Cocido (Spain)
Cozido (Portugal)

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009



En el Meditrráneo, la estación dorada, según mi propio gusto, es el otoño. Y la fruta por excelencia de la estacion que cae (fall, en inglglés tardor, en catalán) es el membrillo. Esta fruta dle Pariso- la auténtica- parce como si quisiera aprisionar todo el cada vez más tímido sol que nos queda, y que queremos preservar, avariciosamente.

Indudablmente es la futa del paraiso, un paraiso lleno de osos: tanto por su origen asiático como por sus connotaciones sexuales. Para los catalanes-valencianos-baleares codony (membrillo) es algo que los osos suelen tener, por partida doble, entre las piernas. Mientra la áspera Cataluña se inclina por el pelo, el dulce Portugal convierte a los marmelos en algo que las mujeres suelen tener, también por pares...Tamcoo hace falta el pelo, por la mala fama de algunas mujeres portuguesas!. Dos pueblos unidos por un antiguo destino,- la revuelta de 1640-, con resultados completamente diferentes. Los portuguese impusieron a ingleses, galeses y escoceses, que su jam de naranja se llamase marmelade, en honor a la marmelada o carne de membrillo. Con una copa de Oporto por enmedio!

El membrillo es sensual y sexual, sin ninguna vegüenza. Cada año estoy invitaod por los amigos de Tremp, en el Pirineo catalán, a presidir el Concurs d' allioli de codony (Concurso de alioli de membrilla), una exquisita especialidad pirenaica. ¿Como puede resistirse un oso a volver a su Pirineo originario, y a un pueblo cuyo topónimo significa (trempar) lo que noss pasa a muchos cuando nos excitamos?
El membrillo, auque duro, es la más sensual de las frutas. Primero nos enamoramos de su intenso color dorado, ebrio del últim sol otoñal. Después acariciamos el levísimo terciopelo de su piel, como la de tantos osos que hemos amado y, finalmente, nos impregnamos de su raro perfume, como el olor de una piel recién coquistade que nos aprisiona los sentidos.

No es extraño que sea la única fruta que ha merecido, para ella sola, una pintura de una rara y concentrada intensidad, y una película de culto. Antonio López, mi pintor madrileño preferido, de una prístina y exacta factura hiperrealista, lo captó, hora a hora, minuto a minuto, en todo su esplendor inaprehensible. Y el talento de Victor Erice, lo recogió en una película cortante coma la pintura, sin dramaturgia, sin puesta de escena. Fué un matrimonio perfecto.

El fruto del membirllero se puede tratar directamente, cocido, asado, guisado, pochado,relleno, en buñuelos, horneado, tanto en platos dulces como salados. En Istambul en casa de mi amigo sefardita Tufan, degusté al "dulzura" (como decía él, en su añejo y poético ladino, con una antigua fonética exacta que la catalana) unos "membryos al orno" con miel cuyo perfume se ha quedado en mi, y con él, el de Tufan, que Yavé lo bendiga. Esta venerable receta ya la hacían los romanos. Yo la he propuesta algunas veces en muestras culinarias, sacándoladola del recetario de Apicio, y añadéndole un toque español. Montiño, el cocinero de Felip IV, nos explica un pato con membrillos, una receta que también localizé en un convento de Mallorca, del siglo XVIII.

Pero el membrillo, por definición, es la "carne de membrillo", dicha tambén ahora por los fabricantes, Dulce", "pasta", etc. ; aunque suelen convertira esta deliciosa elaboración en una especie de laboratorio químico, en vista de los ingredientes que incluyen. No solment lo comemos con pan, como en los aciagos, y siniestros, y larguisimos del monstruoso dictador Francisoc Franco Bahamonde, o con queso. Pude formar parte de deliciosos dulces tradicionales: la coca o cóc de codony de l a Franja (Aragón catalanohablante), de donde es mi amigo el formidable naturalista Guillem Chacon, que trabaja en Venezuela , de los panellets (pastas) catalno-baleares, del Arnadí valenciano...
Los osos, que son bastante golosos, suelen amar este delicios producto. Como mi amigo Raul Escuza- de Madrid, la ciudad del oso- que ya no encuentra madroños en el asfato urbano, y prefiere los membirllos del mercado. Es una receta para él. para que comparta esta "dulzura" con sus amigos, y así comerán algo suyo. Cocinar par otros pude ser un acto amoroso!

1kg de membrillos bien maduros (se nota por el perfume).
300 g de azucar (para osos que no queeran engordarse)

Se pela el mebrillo, se les saca cuidadosament la parte dura del centro, y se corta a dados. Se pone en una cazuela (de barro, de cobre- no de aluminio-) y se cuece a fuego lento por dos horas, mezclando de cuando en cuando. Atención- y lo digo por experiencia- cuidado con las salpicaduras, que queman un cojón!.
Mientras tanto, hojeamos el facebook. Se coloca en botes y se guarda en la nevera. Se puede poner en modes, untados con aceite vegetal.
La cocción puede ser más rápida, media hora- , pero el resultado menos exquisito. En este cso el membrillo se ralla, o se pica en la picadora.

Mi madre les añadía una corteza de limón y un palo de canela.

Antiguamente, el peso era mitad y miitad, y no se guardaba en la nevera. Un abuena proporción es 1k de fruta por 8oo g de azúcar.
Se puede hacer una jalea, solo o con otra fruta, como manzana, y un licor o ratafía. Esto para otra ocasión!

Codonyat (Cataluña, Valencia y Baleares)
Cotognà (Piemonte)
Cotognata (Italia)
Cotignac (Francia)
Quince paste (anglo)
Krem od dunja u casama (Serbia, Croacia, Montenegro, Voivodina, etc.- Membrillo con licor y crema
Krem od dyuli v chashi (Bulgaria)
Marmelada (Portugal, Galicia)

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009


Recipe for a vegetarian, buddhist and frieds of a healthy food (and alos for smart bvears, chubbies, and mustche men)


This recipe is ideal for bears and chubbies who like healthy and delicious feeding.
Not all the bears are carnivorous!...but most of them are cannibals. Som of there are very prehistorics: cook over hot embers!. Very paleolithic! We can feel there hardness into us!
Is an erotic dish: in catalan, the auberigen is like a dicky, and peppers like the balls!. You can eat and enjoy it!

In catalan- the language of Ferran Adrià- this mouth-watering dish means to cook in or over hot embers (Escalivada).
It can serve as a cold salad, or as a warm or cold garnish fior gried an roast meats, fishes, etc..
I`ts extremely popular both in home cooking and in restaurants.
Nowadays,it is often combined with preserved anchovies (catalan, french-catalan, italian..), usualy on a slice of toast (canape), wtih blile eggs, etc.

It is also used to make mousses, sauces and timbals, and creative dishes.

You need:
sweet red peppers
vinegar (optative. For my italian friends, Modena vinegar!. A delicate touch)

Roast the peppers and aubergines on a grill over the flames of charcoal fire, DIRECTLY IN THE HOT EMBERS (SIC), turning them frequently whit tongs, until the skin is blackened. Aubergine roast quicckly, pepper more slowly.
Wet your hands under the tap carefully (most all all after you have touche a bear!).. Pell the blackened skin of the vegetables, the cut or tear them into thin strips, taking car to remove thes seed form teh peppers.
Spread them out on a palte and dress wuith oil, a littlel sals anv vinegar if you like, ans slat (Maldon, Es Trenc form Mallorca, Guérande, etc.). Or your favorite dressing. You can also add mince garlic and parsley.

Nowaday the vegetables are very often coated with oil and roasted in the oven (about 40 minus at 140º, in microwaves, etc., althougt they don't have the same falvour this way.
I suggest you the perfect way: a roto-grill JML brand from Schlecker, 69 euros a very nice number!, perfect for single or in a couple bears. I use it). Only 20 minutes, 180º!

They peel more easily if, after roasting, you leave them in the oven or wrap them tighly, individually,in newspaper (foa a illustrated escalivada) or paper bags for a quarter of an hour. Ecological!

Many othe vegetables can alsobe included, for example whole onion (most of the times), tomatoes and even potatoes (thalast two should be cuit in fhalf and palced with the cut face upwars: teh potates, also, in microwaves).

Paniranipicheni piperqui (Bulagaria)
Panirange pecêne parike (Serbia, Croatia, etc.)
Phuvani pecheni piperki (balcan Macedonia)
Menemen (Turkey)
Felfel , badinjan mechwi (Magrib)

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009


A recipe for smart bears, chubbies and moustacheD men


A nice gift from America, the peppers!. In Catalonia the bears like peppers very much (in catalan, it also means balls (hairy)!. Do you like peepers?

This recipe is for my friend Hristo Petrov, a gourmet bear! We can change the catalan peppers (Pebrots farcits) for bulgarian peppers;so delicious!.

Do you like stuffed peppers?.Here is the recipe, from Catalonia, my country...the country of Ferran Adrià). But very similar to recipes of all the Mediterranean area(Turkey, Greece,Bulgaria...)

You need:
8 plump sweet red peppers
8 spoonfolls of rice (2 for each pepper)
¼ of a kg of minced pork, with a little fat
2 cloves of garlic
3- tomatoes ( in Portugal, also the “balls”)
Olive oil
powered cinnamon, saffron

Cut the peppers across the top at the widest part, keeping the crowns, remove the seed and pith, and wash and dry the peppers. Cut one of the tomatoes in half and grate the others.
Fry the mince, the finely-minced garlic and the chopped parsley, seasoning with salt, cinnamon and saffron.
Add the grated tomato, a teaspoon of sugar, and finally the boiled rice.
When the mixture is cooked, use a spoon to stuff the peppers, but don’t fill them completly.
Cover them with the crown, and if necessary fix these with toothpicks,
Place the in an casserole, with tw spoonfuls of water, one spopnful of olive oil, salt and tehtomat halves.
Cover the cassorole tightly, with dramp brownn paper or aluminium foil, and cook in a low oven (160º) for about 2 hours.

You can eat it hot or cold. A delicious gift for you friends!. I’m sure it will be a success!(perhaps, at least you will suck a lolly pot with succes.

The porc (for islamic people) can be replaced by chicken and other types or mixtures of meat, or (for vegetarians),vegetables, tuna or cod.

In order to steam the peppers, some people place a lid or an upside place on top of thes inside the casserole.

You can stuff aubergines/eggplant,courgettes/zucchini, potatoes, tomatoes...

Pebrots farcits (Catalonia)
Pulneri piperki(Bulgaria)
Piperiés gemistés (Greece)
Biber dolmasi (Turkey)
Punjene paprike (Serbia, Croatia, Voivodina, Montenegor)
Polneti piperki (balkan Macedonia
Speca tê mbushura (Albania)
Pimientos rellenos (Spain)
Peperoni dolci ripieni
Poivrons farcis (France)

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009



A recipe for bears, chubbies and moustached a little sweet greedy

In the Mediterranean area now is autumn.The time of the good figs!

The fig preserve is a dish of medieval origin, which is made around the Mediterranean.
In Italia, Greece, Provence, Turkey, etc we can found
this delicious preserve or “confiture”.

In some languages- catalan, italian...- the fig is also the femenins sex...
We can see that in a important scene in Ken Russell’s film Women in love ( novel of D. H. Lawrence),with an astonishing play of Alan Bates, Oliver Reed- “mEn in homo love” , Glenda Jackson: years ago (1969) they were bears!. And they preferded the “date” to the “fig”,like the arabs say.

You need
1 k of figs
250 g of sugar
A coffee spoon of anise seeds

Cook all the ingredients over a very low hea until you seethat the fis have dissolve to a dark golden colour and are well cooked. Put the mixture into pots:the pots are scalded to sterilise them.

The figs can also preserved whole.

Instead of anise, you can flavour the preserve with lemon or orange peel, cinnamon , etc.

For a softer mixture, you can add melon pell (only melon is also a very good confiture, and also watermelon).

This preserve can be used as a jam or for filling pies and pasties.

You can make a delicious bread figs (pa de figues; spanish,pan de higo) with dried figs, almonds and anise.

This recipe is from Mallorca, Ibiza (Eivissa) and Menorca. Over 6o varities of figs exist in teh Balearic Islands, catalan speaking.

And also:
Fichi ripieni (Calabria)
Incir tatlisi (Turkey)
Mermelada de higos (Spain)
Confiture de figures (France)

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2009


Recipes for smart bears, chubbies and moustached men

Non é un gelato al limon di Paolo Conte (comme pe piace!) ma e un buon gelato. Dedico questo gelato a tuti ii caldi amici italiani - Bruno, Davide, Gigi.... E ai amici di ICECREAMSBEARS, gelateria di culto in Roma.
Nella Catalogna tute le bone gelateria sono italiane: e il paeso del mondo della gastronomia italiana. Noi mangiamo sempre spaghetti, lasagna, cannelloni (alla catalana), maccheroni (bolognese-catalana), pizza (similare a la coca catalana), tiramisú, GELATTI...e grappa!. Questa é la cucina del Paradiso. Josep Pla, il grande scrittore catalano, ha detto che "la pasta e il mgliore regalo que l Italia ha fatto al mondo". I agree!

1 l latte
6 tuorli ovi
200 g zucchero
1 cuchiara grande di amido (Maizena, per caso)
1 bastone di cannella naturale (meglio di Ceyllan)
1 corteccia limone (comme il limon de Palolo Conte)

La latte nel fuoco con la cannella e la corteccia. Bollire 1 minuto. Raffredare un poco.Senza la cannella e il limone, metterla lentamente in un bol con il zucchero i 6 tuorli, previamente mescolati. Refrigerare. Dopo, una cappa di zuchhero e fuoco!.Caldissimo, infernale.("pala de cremar"), cannello Ferran Adrià...Battere bene, gelare, etc.
Decorazione: al vostro gusto.

Nota: le quantità sono aprossimata. La vostra sapienza gelattaia farà il resto!

sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009


Recipes for smart bears, chubbies and moustached


"Corrida", "famenco", "fiesta", "macho", horror to diversity (catalans, basques and galicians they are not free ).
The sangria (i means "bleeding") is a real and refreshing beverage of Spain.

Can bears- pacifit, liberal , honest and cultivated, I think!- drink sangria?
Of course!. The gastronomy is friendship.

My friend Hristo Petrov, from Bulgaria, ask me for sangria. Are you a vampyr, my friend?
Not at all, you are very sweety!

Sangria, made of bull blood?. Not exactly: you will be soon,

You need:
1 botle (1 l) dry red wine (inclusive in Tetrabrik!)
1/2 cup sugar
12 cups lemon (lemonade, Fanta or similar, club soda...)
1 cup brandy. I you are friendly of strong alcohol: two, or...
fruits:peach, orange..., sliced

In large pitcher (glass) combine wine, Fanta, sugar, brandy and mix well with a wood spoon.
Add the slice fruit. Cover and refrigerate.
Just before serving, add ice, ice, ice...
Decoration: orange or lemon peel, wood spoon (to mix)

(For4, 5,6people)
Is a refreshing beverage: no an accopaniment of Paella (only for tourists).

Thanks you, Xavier Gorkabear, a very catalan friend, for your aid! The sangria of your uncles' bar is genuine and perfect!

You can added (if you are a little drunk!) other liquors (rhum, Cointreau, etc.)

viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2009


Recipes for smart bears, chubbies and moustached


Do you knw the delicious dessert Crema catalana, caramel custard o catalan custaDr?.

Now is in the top: in France appears in a fine restaurants- is a dish desirate in the cult film Émilie-, in Switzerlant is a filling of astonishing chocolat (Lindt), appears in nougat, in Italy i`ts a beverage,etc
In, Catalonia, it’s a most popular dessert.
Is the base of a very perfumated cream liquor- “Licor de crema catalana” (the best bran is “Melody”, glaces and fillings of catalan tarts and pasties.

The crema catalana is a rich egg custard topping with a coating and very caramelised sugar: consequently it’s so called crema cremada (burnt cream). Very raffinated: is served refrigeratd, but with the toping hot.

The bears have a sweet tooth: this exquisite dessert is specially made for them.
Sure, they will love a very typical catalan pastie, the xuixo. It’s an incredible beignet with a identic thik form like a a ting that refer to what littels boys- or great bears- have and littel girls haven`nt.
Naturally, the xuixo is filled- stuffed!- with creamy catalan custard. Very erotic.

You need:
1 l of cow milk
6. eggs yolks
200 g sugar
I -2 heaped spoonful of starch
1 stick of Ceylan cinnamon
Peel of 1 lemon

Set aside a little milk (1 cup) and heat the rest in a sauce pan with de lemon peel (whole) and the stik of cinnamon. Just as it comes to te boil, Remove from the heat: this is enogugh to flavor the milk with the profume of 100 and 1 Nights. Remove the cinnamon and lemon peel,

Place in a bowls a litle milk, the sugar, the eggs yolks and the starch, and stir well. Pour into a heavy-bottoned saucepan over a very low heat, add the rest of the milk, stirring continuosly until it begins to thicken: remove from theheat, still stirring, put onto a platter or into a semal plates (in Catalonia,a typical littel casseroles of terra cotta)..Refrigetate.
Nwu comes the delicate part: just before serving,you have t sprinkle sugar on top of the custards and caramelise it immediately. In Catalonia this is done with wooden-hanled branding-iron with a circular plate (gas or electric).Can use a salamander, a top grill or- it’s a special gift fromf Ferran Adrià- a cooking blow-torch.
If the custar has had time to dampen the sugar, or of the iron is not red-hot, you could wll finish up with a sticky mess.
Traditionally , also, was decorated (whithout burning) with meringue and chocolate piping.

You can buy starch for crema catalana (Royal, etc.)

Crème caramel, crème brulée (France)
Ceme caramel (Portugal)
Natillas (Spain)
Bavarian cream(Bavaria)
Panna cotta (Italia)

miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009


Recipes for smart bears,chubys and moustached


The catalan ratatoille is no made of rat! But some rats are edibles. In fact, in the old Paella valenciana, the water rat was present some times!.

The mouse of the computer is edible?. And Micky Mouse? You can try!. I prefer the “catalan- rat-ratatoulle”, samfaina!. A musical dish: in catalan, the name, refers a musical instrument (not the bear flute with a single hole!).

The samfaina is a delicious and healty mixed vegetable garnish, with mediterranean products (or australian, american, etc.).
Now, in the Mediterranela and America is the good times; Australia, later (fresh and ripe products).

You need:
2 red peper (red, green)
1 aubergine
2 onions
Salt, pepper
Olive oil (two spoon)
Red wine,garlic, optional)

Slice onions lengthwais and gently fry a litle of it in olive oil. Before it browns, add a few pieces of 2-3 cem of green or half-reddened peppers. Cok for 8 minutes. Add similar-sized pieces of aubergine (egg-plant), previouly placed in a strainer with a litle salt to remove juices (dangerous for the bears!). Then add the tomato, i large o small pieces. Cook 1/ 2 hour.

When aubergine is not available it can be replaced with courgette (zucchini).Fresh pepper can be replaced with tinned pepper.
The smafaina must be juicy and colorfoul.
Some smart bears previously pell, seed and grate the tomatoes, and then allow the samfaina to reduce to a confiture

The most seasoning this dish admits, being already very tasty, is a pinch of sugar to neutralise the acidity of the tomato. The bears are a littlel sweets!.
You can add a pinch of black pepper and a coup of red wine (not for islamic people)
If it look a little dry, add a little water to keep it juicy.

Althoug it can be prepared separetely, as a delicious garnish or accompaniment, it’s more customay to cook it as the base for a stew or casserole (of lamb, rabbit, chicken, offal, foot and tripe- for the gore bears-,tuna, salted cod (very good).

Its a perfect stuff for pasties, with tined tuna

France (Occitania, midi): ratatouille
Spain: pisto (with eges)
Turkey menemem
Nort Africa: chaacchuka (eggs)
Hungary: lecsó (with lard)
Corsica. Pebronata
Basque Coutry:piperrada
Etc. They are similar dishes.

Cook it and invite a friend!

Wine. Red or rosé. Or beeer (not bear).

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009


Dedicated to all bears and other similar moustached species

You need :

1 beard (1/ leg), 3 l of water,celery, carrot, turnip
lard, or bacon
pasta four soup

Place a very large stew pot on stove with plenty witith the chopped bones and meat, and some lard. When the water stars to boil, skimm off the fat. Leave to boil at leats 3 hours, with the pto covered and on a medium heat. Then add to the pot the chopped vegetables. Place to boil again,for 1/2 hour. Strain the broth, and place to boil again with noodles, pasta rice, etc.

You can add other meats: ox, poultry, game, etc.

Note: if you can'y hunt a wild bear, is much better to "devore" an urban bear, more convenient, ecological and exciting. In own your sauce!

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2009


The excellent farmhouse bread (pa de pagès, in catalan) or frech bred (instead of), of many parts of Catalonia (and also Mallorca, etc.) serves as the base for many sauces and soups as well as for making sandviches (in catalan,entrepà) and the must: the emblematically simple yet magnificnet "pa amb tomàquet". Many typs of vegetables, tuna, ham, chese, sausages, omeletts, etc. are also use for this catalan sandwich.

You need:
1 slice of farmhouse bread (or bread roll, baguette, bagel, etc.)
1 very ripe tomato (summer!)
olive oil
Place a siice of bread or toast on a plate. Cut the tomato in half and rub the cut face on the bread,starting near the crust (in catalna crosta) to help to disperse the juice. Only the skin should be left. Sprinkle with salt and douse generously with olive oil. Or, firs the oli and afetr salt- Maldon, etc.-
With salted or cooked ham sausages, preserved anchovies, tuna, fries fres fish. meat, among othe possibilities
I'ts delicios, and very easy to make it!